Anti-LGBTQIA discrimination describes the processes and behaviours by which people who are queer, or perceived as being queer, are subjected to discrimination and/or violence. Anti-LGBTQIA prejudices are a part of ideologies of inequality, in which LGBTQIA people are seen as being inferior and other characteristics such as, for example, heterosexuality being presented as, and valued for, being supposedly more natural.
“Queer” is a term used to describe multiple different identities and
Anti-LGBTQIA discrimination can also occur alongside other forms of discrimination. This means that a person can experience discrimination based on racism, ableism and/or sexism at the same time as being affected by anti-LGBTQIA discrimination.
Queer people often experience discrimination in their everyday lives. For example, this can happen if they are stared at or insulted on the street, during medical examinations or if they are treated unfairly in the workplace or at school. Anti-LGBTQIA discrimination can take many forms, including physical violence. It can also be structural, for example if LGBTQIA people are granted less rights and a lower status because they are LGBTQIA.
MIQ NRW aims to create visibility for those who experience anti-LGBTQIA discrimination, and for the different forms it can take.
There are various contact points in NRW that can support you in cases of anti-LGBTQIA violence and discrimination. These include counselling centres from the LGBTIAQ* sector, victim protection and therapeutic support. After a physical assault, you may be entitled to a place in a trauma clinic.
You can find offers for support, counselling or legal assistance after anti-LGBTQIA incidents on the following websites, among others:
The following centres offer psychosocial counselling for LGBTIAQ* in NRW:
If you have experienced or witnessed anti-LGBTQIA violence or discrimination and you want to take further action, there are various options for you to consider.
Here are some possible steps that you could take in addition toreporting the incident:
This glossary explains relevant terms which can be found on our website. It is intended to serve as a guide and to present concepts which are relevant in the context of discrimination and violence in a clear and understandable way.
For the explanation of some queer language, we have drawn upon the glossaries formulated by ANDERS & GLEICH and the NGVT* NRW. We have collaborated with the reporting portals of Meldestellenverbund NRW and the RIAS Anti-Semitism Reporting Portal to develop further relevant terminology. You can find further information and explanations on their respective websites.